What is Christian Discipleship?

What is Christian Discipleship?

What is Christian Discipleship? Christian discipleship primarily refers to a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ. It is the process by which a disciple is a convinced adherent to an individual and a prescribed school of thought. According to the Book of John, Christian...

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What does revival look like

What does revival look like

Are you ready for revival? Are you and your Church ready for a harvest of souls? Have you got in place the mechanisms to disciple large numbers of people? It was during a time in my life when I was co-leading Intercessors for Melbourne that God spoke to me and asked,...

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After Alpha, what’s Next?

After Alpha, what’s Next?

After Alpha, what’s Next? There is no doubt the Alpha Course is an amazing program that has connected thousands of people around the world with the Christian Faith and introduced them to Jesus. The question is, after Alpha, what’s next? How do you grow your new...

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Strategies of a religious spirit

Strategies of a religious spirit

Strategies of a religious spirit Through the centuries a religious spirit has relentlessly attacked and paralysed thousands of churches, ruined countless numbers of lives. And unfortunately it has invaded many of the church’s and denominations operating today. A...

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The Power of Words we Speak

The Power of Words we Speak

The Power of Words we Speak The words we speak are incredibly powerful! They can be either powerfully negative, or powerfully positive. They can either destroy or build up. Our spoken words can have amazing results, good or bad, and God’s word is also amazingly...

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