Christian Discipleship and Leadership

The Seven Mountain Prophecy
Every Christian believer needs to understand his or her work is not a “secular” calling but a God assigned mission. Discover your mountain and the influence you have. CLICK NOW TO READ MOREDisciple new and maturing Christians
Jesus said, “go and make disciples and one of the most comprehensive programs available for new converts is the Growing Deep and Strong Series. CLICK NOW TO READ MOREThe ©Growing Deep and Strong Series
is an intentional Christian Discipleship and Small Group Leadership program designed to quickly establish new believers in their faith and will take a person from a pagan background to a Christian small group leader in 12 months or less. The ©Growing Deep and Strong Series is about changing and transforming the lives of people from the inside out. It’s Easy to Teach, if you have proven leadership and management skills or have completed the Series as a disciple, then you can easily take others through ©Growing Deep and Strong by following the steps we have written into the Coach’s manuals. It is a 19 weeks or 37 weeks off-the-shelf-mentoring Bible Study discipleship course that will grow a non-Christian into a mature Christian.It has been designed as an intentional discipleship path for new and maturing believers. It’s unique style is written in an easy to understand format to quickly establish Christians in their faith with minimal supervision through equipping and involving ordinary Christians in leadership.
The ©Growing Deep and Strong Series consists of an Evangelism video and four nine-week modules, including two Encounter Weekends. The purpose of the four modules is to establish a new believer quickly with strong Biblical foundations, free disciples from bondages that they may bring into their Christian walk, help them to reach out to people they know and equip them to be a Coach and disciple these people. for more information go to the website CLICK NOW TO READ MORE